Denton James Callander
Email: denton@dentoncallander.com
Twitter: @dentoncallander
Sex is a fundamental aspect of the human experience. Its role in our lives and societies can be mysterious and wonderful but also challenging and contentious.
My research asks questions about sex, sexuality and sexual health. To those ends, I am engaged with a diverse portfolio of projects that employ both quantitative and qualitative methods of research, with a focus on applying and understanding existing and emerging technologies.
I lead projects in Australasia, Africa, North America, and Europe. I am particularly invested in new kinds of collaborative and community-led approaches to research.
Epidemiology, implementation and public health
2022-2025: The Mombasa Youth & Key Pop Health Study: Investigating the impact of a holistic health intervention for adolescents, young people, and ‘key populations’ in Mombasa (details)
2023-2024: Investigating opportunities to improve sexual health care systems for transgender and gender diverse people in Australia
2020-2021: Sex work in the time of COVID-19 (details)
2018-2023: TURNNT: Trying to Understand Relationships, Networks and Neighborhoods among Transwomen of Color (details)
2018-2021: N2: Networks and Neighborhoods among Black gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Chicago and the US Deep South (details)
2008-2020: ACCESS (Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel surveillance)
2016-2019: Treatment with Antiretrovirals and their Impact on Positive and Negative Men (details)
2014-2019: The New South Wales Prevention Revolution Partnership Project (details)
2016-2018: EPIC-NSW: Expended PrEP implementation in New South Wales
2010, 2013: National Prison Entrants' Bloodborne Virus & Risk Behaviour Survey (details)
2012-2014: Rapid HIV Testing Evaluation Framework
Culture, society and behaviour
2020-2024: Sexual Racism & Social Justice: Reckoning with White Supremacy and Desire (details)
2019-2024: ASRH3: The 3rd Australian Survey of Health and Relationships (details)
2022-2023: #TransIsBeautiful: A study of Instagram among transgender and gender expansive people in Australia
2018-2019: The Australian Trans & Gender Diverse Sexual Health Survey (details)
2017-2018: My sex, my sexual health (details)
2016-2018: Male sex work in Australia, an immersive ethnography
2015-2016: Straight men who have sex with men, understanding expert views (details)
2010-2013: Just a Preference, exploring race and racism among gay and bisexual men (details)
2012-2015: Clients of male sex workers (details)
2011: HIV and Hepatitis-related stigma in the Australian healthcare sector